Via Memories - Beňovský

by Blind Octopus Studios



Play a story game that works innovatively with smartphone control. You will quickly understand how it works and it will draw you into the life of Móří Beňovský, which you will control with real actions. Download and test your sense of experimental control and wit.Close your eyes and imagine...Author team:———————————————music composer - Andrej Majerčíktechnical director - Lukáš Gajdošechsound designer - Tomáš Farkašscreenwriter - Michal Valúchmarketer - Libuška Removčíkovágame mechanics - Tomáš Kuníkexpert scenario consultant - Daniel Domorákexpert voice supervision - Adriana Kňažkovádirection, management and game design - Jakub Kňažkothe cast:Móric Beňovský - Filip JekkelNarrator - František VýrostkoHypolit Stepanov - Martin MaťkoAdolf Wynbladth - Juraj SmutnýMayor - Andrej Polakovičšelerija - Dominika / Aďkachief - Vlado Žilka________________________The creation of the work was supported by the Art Support Fund from public sources.Blind Octopus Studios p. r. about.2022